An Irregular at Magic High School: ANIME REVIEW

I've always hated the fact that magic does not exist. Yet, I believe that technology will advance so much one day that we will be able to call it magic. And imagine this now, just ten days ago I came across an anime that kinda pictures that "Techno-magic" I was thinking about. I'll let you now enjoy the review on "An Irregular at Magic High School". Plot and Story Line You remember maybe how Sword Art Online did that story-line thing, where the whole plot is actually made up of shorter stories (SAO, ALO, GGO...). Well, you have the same situation in AIAMHS too. They tell one shorter story in about eight episodes, and three or four such stories made the show. But what is this anime about now? As I mentioned in the beginning, magic is not magic how it used to be. Instead of colorful spells, bright lights, stars, cepters etc, you have codes. One code, one spell and they are all casted by Casting Assistant Devices, or in short CADs. The CADs are ...