Facts an Anime Head Should Know

When you scroll down a bit you'll see the first of two posts I wrote for all the Anime Newbies out there. I wrote some fancy advice for all the guys that just got here, to the huge World of Anime. Of course, only advice wouldn't be enough, and so I am here writing part two of Anime for Newbies, this time with some facts and stuff that every ANIME HEAD should actually know. Now I wonder where to start. Let's try with the question: What does the word ANIME actually mean? The word ANIME simply just means Animation when translated from Japanese. Yet, in the whole world it is used to define animated cartoons that are produced by Japanese or in Japan. Before Anime became so widely known, so until the 1980s, the word JAPANIMATION was used to describe animation made in Japan. One more thing about the word ANIME: Since it is a Japanese word, and they don't have plurals, the plural form of ANIME is ANIME and not ANIMES. What is the one thing that defines most of Anime c...