My Thoughts on TALES OF ZESTIRIA THE X (2017)
Greetings Minna-san and welcome to the first review of the Winter 2017 season. I did not watch and I actually didn't plan to watch many anime form that season because I personally didin't see many shows that would interest me. The only ones I want to give a chance are Youjo Senki (Tha Saga of Tanja the Evil) and the second season of Ao no Exorcist (The Blue Exorcist).
For today, I have some kind of shorter review on Tales of Zestiria the X 2017. Since I already did a review on the first season, which was just continued in 2017, I'll just share my thoughts on this one. Here is the link for the review of the first season and without further ado, let's get into it. Enjoy!
So, first thing that I have to say about this season of Tales of Zestiria the X is how much depth it actually has in the story. The story gets much more serious and you actually feel everything whats happening. Especially the story of Rose and her background. It really gave her character some personality and a really good character development. But despite that it also got a little can I say, annoying. I still love Tales of Zestiria because of all the magic, the powers, the setting etc...but I honestly feel that I actually outgrew it. It is more an anime for teens, kinda 12 +. I definitely find it boring in some parts and the constant "We can do it with the power of friendship" thing is a little bit annoying. Besides, trough the whole anime they think of how hard the next fight is gonna be, but when it comes, they actually have no problems or setbacks at all. It is really predictable and you know for sure the outcome of every situation. The last episode was definitely interesting and I am really looking forward to the next one.
Yeah, despite all the negative aspects of the anime I am still going to watch it till the end because the story it self is interesting and catchy. We also find out more about the Lord of Calamity, his origins, Velvet Crowe, the actual origin of calamity etc. It really goes back to the core of everything and gets really intriguing.
On the whole, when it comes to the story and plot of the anime, it is far better then the first season. There are more things going on and is just more entertaining. I do have mixed feelings about this anime, but I still love it for all the positive reasons I mentioned before.
When it comes to the characters, they basically stayed the same, except for Rose. I really loved her character development. As for she is a badass female lead. This is the kind of princess you don't see in Disney but only in anime. She has a strong personality, she is a true warrior and an excellent leader. The way she fought for her kingdom was really emotional and entertaining at the same time. If you ask me, that was, with great extend, my favorite part of the anime so far.
Still the best thing about Tales of Zestiria the X remains its animation. Seriously, if I didn't like Tales of Zestiria, I'd probably still watch it just because of its animation. Ufotable did a great job again just as I expected of them.
So in conclusion, if you truly are a fan of magic, powers and legends then you might like Tales of Zestiria the X. An amazing animation, great character design and also a catchy opening theme will definitely cover up some of the setbacks of the show making it a bit more enjoyable. Otherwise, if you are at age 12+ till 16 you'll definitely love it.

On the whole, when it comes to the story and plot of the anime, it is far better then the first season. There are more things going on and is just more entertaining. I do have mixed feelings about this anime, but I still love it for all the positive reasons I mentioned before.
When it comes to the characters, they basically stayed the same, except for Rose. I really loved her character development. As for she is a badass female lead. This is the kind of princess you don't see in Disney but only in anime. She has a strong personality, she is a true warrior and an excellent leader. The way she fought for her kingdom was really emotional and entertaining at the same time. If you ask me, that was, with great extend, my favorite part of the anime so far.

So in conclusion, if you truly are a fan of magic, powers and legends then you might like Tales of Zestiria the X. An amazing animation, great character design and also a catchy opening theme will definitely cover up some of the setbacks of the show making it a bit more enjoyable. Otherwise, if you are at age 12+ till 16 you'll definitely love it.
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