Things I Loved about Certain Anime the Most

You know that each anime has something that makes it worth watching and unique like a good plot-twist, character style, setting etc. I recently went trough my anime list and picked a couple of anime for this post where I'll tell what I loved most about them. Tell me in the comments below more examples that I might left out. And now, Things I Loved about Certain Anime the Most. 

AKAME GA KILL- This anime is a fantasy and action anime that connects reality to its story setting like no other. The setting of a corrupted and harsh world was literary reflected into a fantasy world like Akame ga Kill.
AKATSUKI NO YONA- Of course my favorite anime will be in this post. The thing I loved the most about Yona's story is the legend. The story of naive, little Princess Yona has an intriguing and fantastic setting of a legend about four dragons and an ancient King. 

ERASED- I definitely didn't like the Japanese name of this anime. But the thing I did like was the thrill and excitement that this anime conveyed throughout the whole anime. 
DEATH PARADE- This anime was one of the best I have ever seen. The thing I liked the most about it was definitely the psychological factor that in an entertaining way revealed the core of human soul and nature. 

FATE/ZERO- This anime has so much good points because it is truly a masterpiece. What I liked the most is the fact that you don't have an obvious main character, well at least not in the beginning. This made the show more interesting and less predictable. 
FATE/ UBW- It is hard to tell which one is better. Fate Zero or Unlimited Blade Works. It will need a greater discussion so look forward to another anime battle here on WoAG. But the thing about UBW I liked the most was definitely ufutable's gorgeous and unbelievable animation.
KARA NO KYOUKAI- The movie anime in 7 parts was really intriguing and exciting. What made it unique was the retrospective way of telling the story and that is definitely the thing I liked the most about it. 
NO GAME NO LIFE- This anime is a really popular 2014 anime that I liked so much because of all the game strategies and extremely entertaining and mind blowing matches. 
ONE PUNCH MAN- This is the most hyped anime in the last decade if I remember well. In the beginning, I didn't like the fact that it doesn't have a good story but hey, it is OPM and the most important thing about it was that it had a huge entertainment factor.  

PSYCHO PASS- This masterpiece is one of my favorite anime ever and the thing I liked most about it was the villain. Psycho Pass' Shougo Makishima is in my opinion the best villain in anime history.
RELIFE- This is one of my favorite slice-of-life anime and I am still reading the manga, waiting for the second season of course. The best thing about this anime is that even though this is a slice-of-life it still has that pinch of fantasy in the beginning that made it even better.
YOUR LIE IN APRIL/SHIGATSU WA KIMI NO USO- There are many things that made this masterpiece one of the best anime I have ever seen. The thing I loved most about it was its beauty. The characters, the backgrounds, the scenes...everything in this anime was just beautiful.
TALES OF ZESTIRIA THE X- I loved the setting of this anime the most. The fantasy, magic setting was...well magical and one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen.
ZENKYOU NO TERROR- One more mystery anime whose best part were the riddles. It was really interesting and entertaining to watch the police and others try solving Nine and Twelve's riddles. 


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