Answering Questions from MAL Forums pt.3

Oi Minna-San,
I hope you've missed the Anime Girl because today she's back with one more "Answering Questions" post here on World of Anime Girl. I don't know why, but I love this kinds of posts the most because I love expressing my opinion. And there is no better way of expressing your opinion than answering questions. So, once again, I picked a couple of questions from My Anime List and now they're about to be answered by Anime Girl. 

Do you judge Anime by its COVER? 😏

Uhm..Da! I am not particularly sure why I do that but the reason for that is probably that I care much about visuals. I just cannot watch something that doesn't look good. Best example for that is Kill la Kill. I just hate the way the characters, especially the main one looks like. And I saw that from the cover. I do judge, but I usually do it in a positive way. There were many anime that I decided to watch just because of the cover...So in conclusion...Yes, I judge anime sometimes by its cover. 

What is the absolute worst anime you have ever seen? 🙈

Answering this question is easy. The absolutely worst anime that I've ever seen in my life was definitely Tokyo ESP. It's been a while since I watched it, maybe three years or so. But I just remember people suddenly having esper powers because of some golden jellyfish floating in the air. Just total nonsense, and I hate total nonsense. The story was just a huge plot-hole and nothing added up. It was a huge mistake and and even greater waste of time. 

What Anime makes you wanna watch the whole damn thing all over again? 😍

Well...there is actually a list of anime I'd like to re-watch but there is no time beacuse there are so many anime I haven't seen yet...*starts crying*. The only anime I watched two times was Psycho Pass and I could definitely do it one more time. Other anime are as follows: Akatsuki no Yona, Ao Haru Ride, Akame ga Kill, Code Geass, Death Note, Death Parade, Fairy Tail, Fate/ Zero, Fate/ Stay Night: Unlimited Balde Works, Beautiful Bones: Sakurako-san's Investigation, Your Lie in April and Tales of Zestiria the X. Now that's quite a list. 

What anime have you seen that were good but boring? 😑

The first anime that came to my mind after reading this question was Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Daikatsu. That was with great extend THE most hyped anime of the year and at this point I am too afraid to ask why? Yes, the idea was good and the animation was great, maybe the best I have ever seen but it was so damn boring. It was just tiring and stupid. I don't know how I managed to finish watching it but I guess I did it just because of the hype. And I wanted to know what the deal was with the whole "I love Emilia" memes. 

What are some anime that you wanted to watch but never did? 😩

Good question...Really good. Well, there are a couple of anime that I always wanted to watch but never did, like: Inuyasha, Claymore, Deadman Wonderland, Pandora Hearts...I can't come up with any other but there are definitely many more. I am currently reading the Inuyasha manga and it is really good. I guess the others will just have to wait.

There were no good anime shows in 2016, why? 😕

Year in rewind, yeee...It was indeed a not so great year. The beginning of the year was not that bad. The winter season had some good anime but the highlight was definitely Erased. When it comes to spring, I personally didn't like it but the community did. Anime like Boku no Hero Academia, Re: Zero kara..., Koutetsujou no Kabaneri and Bungou Stray Dogs were quite poplular. Summer season was amazing. ReLife, Berserek (2016), Mob Psycho 100, Tales of Zestiria the X were all amazing anime and there were many more. And last but not least, Fall 2016. I think it's really bad. Seriously, I don't think I'll watch anything from the Fall season. So, on the whole, it wasn't a bad year, but the previous couple of years were definitely better. 
I'll be doing a "What to expect in 2017" post soon and cover the anime that are announced for the following year. Be sure to check it out and see what will the anime world offer in 2017.

This would be it for today's post. I hope you liked it and be sure to give your own answers in the comments bellow! See ya guys!   

Your AnimeGirl <3 


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