Sakura Haruno: Is She Worth the Hate?

Hello there and welcome to yet another Character Spotlight post here on World of Anime Girl. I have been thinking about writing this one for a very long time now, and I have finally organized my thoughts on this topic, or more precisely this character and started. As seen from the title, today's character spotlight is devoted to a very controversial character in the anime world- Sakura Haruno . There are anime fans that support her character, there are those who hate her and there are also those who just don't care. But honestly, I think that everyone has an opinion on the female lead character of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. As it might seem, there are more people that hate her, but the question is: Is she really worth all the hate or is she worthy of the title of the main heroine? THE CHARACTER BEHIND THE NAME Let's for a moment don't take into account Sakura's powers, strength or involvement in the fights and just focus on the character she is. ...