Lost Fate/ Grand Order Account? Here Is How You Can Recover It!

Hello everyone and welcome to another post here on World of Anime Girl! A couple of months ago I have written a post about the mobile game Fate/ Grand Order and how amazing it is (read the post here ). I still haven't changed my mind about it, but I did take a break from it. After some time I wanted to start playing again but then I realized that I didn't get a transfer code for my Fate/ GO account. Luckily, my account is not completely lost and there is a very simple way how you can recover it. As I could see from online forums and from my own experience it works every time and I really hope that it will help you too in case you lose your own account. STEP 1: DON'T PANIC! As I said in the beginning, it is a very easy way to recover your account and it has a high success rate, so no need for panic. The only thing you need do is write an e-mail to the Aniplex support center: support@aniplex.zendesk.com . STEP 2: THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO WRITE If...