How do you pronounce this anime's title? Is it /leid or /leed or /lead? There are a lot of people arguing about this. It is even a discussion topic on My Anime List. My answer: This anime's title takes its name from a German song that is featured in it. That's why, in my opinion, we should stick to the German pronunciation which would be /elfen leed, and when you translate it into English you get the title of the anime I am reviewing today, "Elve's Song". But because Elve's Song sounds kinda strange I'll keep on saying Elfen Lied. Plot and Story Line Imagine now you live in a world where mutated homosapien beings called Diclonius exist. Sounds really creepy but looks so amazing and epic. Still, creepy. Exactly this describes the setting of Elfen Lied. It is dark, it is frightening yet good. One of the most important things that has to be said is that this anime does not lack in brutality and bloodshed. You really should not ...