
Showing posts from October, 2017

Collab Post with ANIME BALKAN

Zdravo ljudi i dobrodošli na moj anime blog: Svijet Anime-cure (znam, zvuči čudno). Ovo je još jedna u nizu kolaboracija koje sam radila sa drugim anime bloggerima ovo ljeto. Nakon što sam vidjela da je jedna od najboljih balkanskih anime stranica na Facebook-u,  ANIME BALKAN , napravila svoj blog, morala sam stupiti u kontakt s njima i dogovoriti neku saradnju. Oni objavljuju novosti, preporuke i druge zanimljivosti vezane za anime, pa mi je tako posebno drago da mogu i ja biti dio te priče, barem na kratko. O čemu se radi u ovom post-u? Jednostavno. Ja sam Saberu kao jednom od admina poslala 3 anime-a sa njegove anime liste da mi da svoje mišljenje o njima. Isto tako, ja sam dobila 3 anime-a i napisala svoje mišljenje, a moći ćete ih pročitati na njihovoj stranici (linkove ću vam ostaviti na kraju).  Ja sam za Sabera odabrala Black Rock Shooter, K-On! i Shiki. U nastavku na engleskom, a vi uživajte.   Hello people,  You might be surprised about the sudden ...

Interviewing Aniblogger Arria from Fujinsei

Greetings everybody and welcome to a very special post here on World of Anime Girl.  As you might know, I have done a couple of collabs with other anime bloggers this Summer but this time I have a special type of collaboration with another amazing blogger I have stumbled upon on the internet. Today's collaboration is with an extraordinary and really funny blogger from FUJINSEI . Her name is Arria and I am really glad to have the chance to work with her. Me and Arria gave each other five questions and  made some kind of an anime interview from them. We both answered all ten questions and you'll be able to see my answers on her blog  FUJINSEI , whereas Arria's answers are right bellow. I hope you enjoy this post and make sure to check out Arria's on FUJINSEI as well. Now without any further ado, let's get to the interview, shall we? 1.       If you could star as an anime character in a live-action movie adaptation, who would it be? ...

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